Me Too

“I could feel him following me, so I went into a store that had a lot of people. He kept asking me questions and insisted that he knew me. I dismissed him several times and told him to leave me alone, but he kept following me. It wasn’t until I turned around to face him…

Let’s talk Koeck

Before she was Marie Van Der Hout, no one knew her name. She ran away from home when she was just eight years old after discovering her father’s plan of marrying her off to an unknown boy. A child marrying a child. It was unthinkable, and as common a practice as it was back then,…

When disasters strike: The plight of the elders

When I first arrived at the foot of Awang Chik’s house in the village of Dusun Nyiur, Kelantan, I found her sitting and serving tea under the vast space/unofficial living room of her home. The robust 80-year-old was surrounded by people I presumed was her family. She had an easy grace about her, her movements…

I find my lack of posts disturbing…

I do! I really do. But with a million things happening all at the same time, this blog really fell by the wayside. Despite all the madness that came with the end of 2016, 2017 has been a delight in numerous ways. How can I squeeze everything that has happened in once sentence, except that…

Can you hear yourself running?

Is a question that most runners get asked when we’re running with our earbuds plugged in. And I guess it’s something some of us (including yours truly), often take for granted. There have been a couple of occasions where I was running blithely through the woods or on the road with the music on full blast…

Some basic things you need to know before adopting a cat/kitten

Owning a pet can be one of the most rewarding experiences in one’s life. Being owned by a cat is no different. I mean, who doesn’t want to be trained to wake up at 4.30 in the morning just so the little fuzzypants can have her ears scratched and belly rubbed, right? I’m kidding about…

The illusion of control

I had big plans for 2015. Big plans. It was supposed to be the year of travels – A year when I would get more seriously into running, a segway into triathlon training, a year where I produced more short stories. Big plans. If you read my previous blog post, I was writing about how…